blog updated 21/10/2024
As I said, this is work in progress. The stupid reality where I open source my progress and not the repository that I'm working on in shame, definitely working with a garage door open. This section is still ๐๏ธ
A distributed bit-cask like LS Hash Table KV Store. Or according to my first, definitely not force pushed commit 4a141713
on Mon Sep 23 00:31:41 2024 +0530
snowflk is a distributed kv store inspired from bitcask's implementation of a Log-Structured Hash Table, focusing on replicated storage of persistent data across nodes
This is another shot of me dipping my toes in rust, which was not the initial plan. Go seemed easy, but I wanted to learn something new along the way as well. May not be a log of progress considering academics and club related work, wanted to try some stuff out :)
writing this log right before a test, might be messy
Genesis, started of with a go implementation but...want to try rust for no reason, lets see how that goes :P
Making this public, I'm to ashamed of what i have written
during startupscurrent term
, node votedFor
and the log[]
of committed changesTCPListeners
and move bytes around or try out Tonic for gRPCWith everything basically scrapped, except that one beautiful yaml parser I wrote with the yaml_rust2
and learning a bit more after not finish advent of code once again, I felt it would be a great time to rewrite this for fun during my end semesters...which is still going on as I write this line.
So with a lot of undesirable behaviour, and exams this project had to come to a hold. Started the whole thing with a fresh repository and began working on a more generalised raft library. Some small changes included using bincode for serialization instead of message pack showing significantly faster serialization speeds than messagepack.
trait Server<T> {
// ...
fn ping_example(&self, req: AppendEntries<T>) -> Response;
// ...
Having a generalized raft library meant serializing bytes and sending generic logs over TCP, which isn't really that hard. But tarpc didn't really like doing this as it never really allowed me to write generic traits for a server, which was of course needed. Instead of this, wouldn't it be easier to just, excuse my words, raw dog the bytes over tcp??
If I can write my own rpc like(definitely not RPC) layer then, I technically have all the flexibility I need to have, couldn't be that hard considering its all just bytes sent over network, and deserialization works if and only if the types on both the sides are correct. As of now, there is absolutely no type validation on client and server side besides the tokio::task
that has the server running panics out of existence while the task of the application is still running. Of course not desirable but hey, this is still in a toy stage, wont hurt to experiment
Just to point out to those who have not seen my other f ups while doing something like this, the last time I tried writing a protocol with pure tcp and marshaled json bytes across a network did not end very nicely, in-fact never managed to send bytes across because go never warned me about private fields in a struct don't get serialized at all, thats really fun to learn about almost a year after a wasted hackathon, but hey you always learn something at the wrong times
Why all this, well lets see how elegantly you can now define a naive type in rust and have raft as a consensus layer
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Pair<K, V>
K: 'static + Eq + Hash + Debug + Send + Clone,
V: 'static + Debug + Send + Clone,
pub key: K,
pub val: V,
// skipping the necessary implemnetations for Clone,
// Display, server::log::Entry (which is a necessasry
// trait of a generic T to be in consensus, more on
// that later)
pub struct KVStore<K, V>
K: 'static + Eq + Hash + Debug + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Send + Clone,
V: 'static + Debug + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Send + Clone,
pub map: Mutex<HashMap<K, V>>,
pub raft: Raft<Pair<K, V>>,
Now isnt that neat, atleast to my eyes that has seen a lot worse, now all you need is some async function calls and viola!
async fn main() {
// some config loading
let args = Args::parse();
let config =
.expect("failed to parse config");
// A simple KVStore storing keys as strings and values as a string
let kv: KVStore<String, String> =
let kv_raft = Arc::new(Mutex::new(kv.raft));
let kv_raft_clone = Arc::clone(&kv_raft);
tokio::spawn(async move {
// our listener for a kv server to listen to clients over
// tcp
Okay now lets get back to what i've done to come to this stage. Now how did I define this layer...
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum RequestPattern<T>
T: Entry + Debug + Display + Clone,
pub trait Service<T>
T: Entry + Debug + Display + Clone,
fn ping_node(
node_id: NodeId,
state: Arc<Mutex<State<T>>>,
req: PingRequest,
) -> impl Future<Output = PingResponse>;
fn append_entries(
node_id: NodeId,
state: Arc<Mutex<State<T>>>,
req: AppendEntriesRequest<T>,
) -> impl Future<Output = AppendEntriesResponse>;
fn request_vote(
node_id: NodeId,
state: Arc<Mutex<State<T>>>,
req: ElectionVoteRequest,
) -> impl Future<Output = ElectionVoteResponse>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Server<T>
// why `static, I basicaly enforce that T is always of an owned type,
// otherwise the compiler runs in the assumption that T could be of type
// &T, &&T, &mut T,... which is obviously never the case
T: 'static Entry + Debug + Display + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Clone,
// i know this is very redundant, but I did face stupid
// issues of my `State<T>` not implementing send across
// threads which definitely whent over my head while
// trying doing this the first time, so yeah its a bit
// messy needs a lot of clean up
pub state: Arc<Mutex<State<T>>>,
pub node_id: NodeId,
Now lets have a look of what we can do on the server side for an incoming TCP request
if stream.read_buf(&mut buf).is_ok() {
let req: RequestPattern<T> = bincode::deserialize(&buf).unwrap();
match req {
RequestPattern::PingRPC(req) => {
/* handle resp back here */
RequestPattern::RequestVoteRPC(req) => {
/* handle resp back here */
RequestPattern::AppendEntriesRPC(req) => {
/* handle resp back here */
} else {
warn!("failed to read stream {:?}", stream);
I also went ahead and made some changes on how the raft state is defined, separating its volatile component from the persistent state
pub struct State<T: Entry + Debug + Display> {
pub persistent_state: PersistentState<T>,
pub volatile_state: VolatileState,
pub recieved_leader_heartbeat: AtomicBool,
pub struct Raft<T>
T: Entry + Debug + Display + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Clone,
pub node_id: NodeId,
pub config: Config,
pub state: Arc<Mutex<State<T>>>,
// termination condition for the
// server ticker
pub stopped: bool,
// for the "rpc"
pub server: Server<T>,
pub client: Client,
And for anything that I missed out, here is the long commit message that I mostly typed (and definitely have not force pushed to a lot) while I was incredibly sleepy...yeah I've gone against all the best practices so far, especially with respect to my commits
(17/12/24) NOTE: A lot of un deterministic behaviour as it stands. Append Entries only sends empty entries to all nodes, just for the sake of testing for now. The cluster remains stable up till a point, and after that all nodes start fighting over leadership like children. Need to read the TLA spec for raft and the paper carefully. Good progress so far
commit 462a4be4
Author: bwaklog <>
Date: Sat Dec 21 02:01:25 2024 +0530
feat: Leader Election
So small update, finally finished my exams and have gotten back at this. And looks like we finally have some sort of a leader election working along with replication logs for heart-beats as I don't really have a working layer to take in commands from a client...still working on that part and should be up in the next commit
Now there isn't really a proper testing solution for this yet, but the cluster shows deterministic behaviour. I still believe its not fully up-to the original spec, but that should not take much of a change.
The volatile state on server did not hold a separate timer for heartbeats. Each randomised interval for a election_timeout
was from the range $[1, 8]$. The main tick()
method for the raft state kept sleeping for a different randomised time in the range $[1, 8]$, a stupid mistake on my side which made the leader node wait for probably a longer amount of time than what was required.
Hence follower nodes that slept for a shorter duration are highly likely to have not recieved a heartbeat from the leader node which force them to move to a candidate state. $t_{\text{heartbeat}} << t_{\text{election timeout}}$. I still need to pick a proper ratio to separate out these times which is currently split as $[1, 4)$ for $t_{\text{heartbeat}}$ and $[4, 8]$ for $t_{\text{election timeout}}$ which does cause some issues. The MIT 6.5840 Spring 2024 labs do specify a proportion of $1:20 :: t_{\text{heartbeat}}:t_{\text{election timeout}}$, which i haven't really chosen for the time being. If the max duration for an election timeout were to be $10s$ that would make the max duration for a heartbeat $0.5s$ ish...
Now here comes part two of this problem which went over my head. When a server recieves an AppendEntriesRPC
request, the first condition check is the comparing the node terms. A server has to reject an append rpc if the request term is lower than the current server term, the condition missing was that it was willing to reject a request regardless of the NodeRole
. So a candidate that goes haywire would keep going to a higher term whilst receiving heartbeats from a Leader in a lower term.
Another minor mistake was not resetting the election_timeout
timer and recieved_heartbeat
boolean value that are a condition for a follower to candidate transition right after voting. Normally you send an empty heartbeat to all followers after receiving a quorum of votes, but as the heartbeats are sent out more frequently and wont give a chance for a server (i.e. a follower) to have its election timer to timeout, no un-necessary transitions will take place. I still feel that i'm overlooking this issue, and it can come and bite me in the back, but it should be a simple fix.
With most of this out of the way, I can start giving some time to working on the KV layer of this project. I want to focus on the internals of databases, so thats a small diversion I don't want to take for the time being. Besides that, I do need a working client to append to this raft log, so the KV will require some changes.
The next challenge lies in defining a proper message delivery system for committed raft entries. How do I deliver an entry to the application once consensus has been reached.
The goal of this is to have the consensus layer function as a asynchronous worker thread on a server that acts as a middleman for applying updates to state of an application.
When tries to change state of an application, it is first passed onto the consensus layer, so it is the responsibility of the consensus layer to pass this down once it has finished its task of replication as we don't want the KV to waste time in polling through the log of raft entries and find which of the log entries are freshly committed and can apply it to the state of its application. Such a system needs to work asynchronously in the background
Small update before heading into a Christmas vacation. Partially got log replication to work, no leader commits have been implemented. So what do I mean by partially? I have not fully tested this yet, this is just a very early commit so I don't loose my progress.
You might want to zoom into that image for a better look.
In the above image, the third horizontal pane is the only leader in the cluster which has taken set operations in the order set foo baz
, set foo bar
, set apple red
. Do note that there is no current compaction RPC
WIP: Insert some hand drawn images here explaining replication
The mistake that I made was that I have been following the concept of the base index of being 1 only in some places, because of this mismatch of logic, lots of things went wrong. While basic replication works, I still haven't tested out replication in leadership changes in a cluster. Ironically have lesser time to work on this during a vacation than my endsems ๐ตโ๐ซ
Whats wrong currently? So a node is able to continue replication even after re-election. But the problem comes when a node disconnects from a cluster. As persistence is somewhat broken at the time being and since a leader expects that all the logs are up to date, a node starting back after a crash will have a completely empty set of logs. What is to be done is, incase if a node rejects an entry, we need to decrease the next_index
on the leaders side and keep retrying until we can successfully replicate the log.
If AppendEntries fails because of log inconsistency: decrement nextIndex and retry (ยง5.3)
Clocking in just before my break, and finally have some good log replication. Took a few minutes to change all the indices to be logically based off with index 1. Don't fully like what i've written but i'll focus on optimizing this later.
Log replication commit ce3fc164
In the above image:
set foo bar
right before the server is manually stopped and restartedset bar baz
which is replicated. The server is stopped and restartedset baz foo
commit ce3fc164f08aee7ce997aee1a66e00de22cb6506 (HEAD -> main, origin/main)
Author: bwaklog <>
Date: Tue Dec 24 20:27:07 2024 +0530
feat: Log replication
- log replication when client has to rewrite over conflicting logs
- write leader commit logic
- handle a delivery callback to update the underlying state
Finally can wrap a part of this up. Persistence is working (commit 837db316), so is log replication and leader election. Whats left is leader commits which should not be hard. The tricky part remaining is the deliver function callbacks. Good wrap up before Christmas eve ๐
commit 6a123051e70c2e3c58bc2d30ee8a72b7c2713cd1
Author: bwaklog <>
Date: Sat Jan 4 13:15:35 2025 +0530
feat(wip): Leader Commits
Also fixed state persistence where I was initially persisting the entire log length to the disk
commit 3b26e5487cabe65290d25630cba5257e0a2ada95
Author: bwaklog <>
Date: Wed Jan 8 21:37:54 2025 +0530
feat: Message delivery to underlying application
This required a bit on how the key value store functions, which needed a change to work with multiple background tasks and also with how the ownership model worked. The solution was basically threads and tokio::select!
is super helpful.
What is needed is:
Now on the kv store side, not really optimized but here is a simple switch between a client and raft channel
pub async fn generic_handler_interface(&mut self) {
let deliver_rx = Arc::clone(&self.deliver_rx);
let mut deliver_rx = deliver_rx.lock().await;
let client_rx = Arc::clone(&self.client_rx);
let mut client_rx = client_rx.lock().await;
loop {
tokio::select! {
Some(client_message) = client_rx.recv() => {
Some(raft_message) = deliver_rx.recv() => {